You have landed in the right place to learn everything about Digital Humans.

Benefit and gain advantages from the additional trust, empathy and emotion Digital Humans bring to your online customer interactions.
Is a digital human the right fit for my brand?
Explore examples of use cases, client stories, understand the benefits. and dive into the research behind the world of Digital Humans.
What is involved in building a digital human?
Discover how to design all the aspects of your Digital Human, how to connect it to your content and what UI options there are for deployment.
Companies enhancing their customer experience with Virtually Human
City of Copenhagen
TU Delft
Moet ik naar de dokter
Erasmus MC
Philadelphia Zorg
Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Why Consider a Digital Human?

“The added value? At least you feel like you're being seen, heard by someone. Because you're looking at a human face [...] it's quite pleasant."
Willemsen, Brom, Withuis & Van Hooijdonk (2024)
30 +

Ready-to-Use Avatars

21 +

Customization Options

14 +

API Services

Experience it for yourself

Dive straight into the action and request trial access to experience first-hand what a Digital Human can do for you.